Service Hours: 9:00 AM Sunday Morning

Celebration Stories

The Heritage committee often shares stories written by members of Second Presbyterian, some of whom have attended here since the days of Dr. Harold 'Doc' Martin. These stories are deeply rooted in the foundation on which the mission of Second Pres sets: Community. Second Pres has been a refuge and a shelter for those needing community during all parts of their journey in life. It is our hope that has you read these stories, you will be reminded of where we have been and can see the reflection of our past in the direction we are headed towards in our future.

Library of articles

Striving for Souls and Bodies

Story by Jeanie Wendt

Branching Out

Story by Marilyn Freedlund

Second Presbyterian Church’s Link to National Historic Site: Broadview Mansion

Story by David Strand

Learn more about Heritage

If you would like to learn more about our heritage, have a story idea, or would like to volunteer, we would love to hear from you! Please fill out the contact form below and someone will be in contact with you.