Service Hours: 9:00 AM Sunday Morning

Local Missions


Local Missions is divided into three categories:
  • Ministries: Second Pres based ministries dedicated in outreach to those in need.
  • Mission Partners: Organizations within our community that receive direct funding from Second Pres.
  • Mission Affiliates: Organizations within our community Second Pres supports through use of our facility, donations, volunteer assistance, and other support.

Scripture Foundation

When I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ. Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some.
I Corinthians 9:22
By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.
1 John 3:16-18


The team is made up of least 5 interested and committed members with one team member nominated by LDN and elected by the congregation to be ordained as an Elder to represent the ministry on Session.
Non-church members may be on the committee as non-voting members.
Members should be representative of various sectors in our community.
Ministry team shall determine its meeting schedule based upon what it needs to accomplish.


We have spent a great amount of time aligning our Local Mission Outreach with the philosophies of When Helping Hurts which is reflected in the responsibilities below.
  • Our role is that of connectivity rather than oversight of efforts.
  • Focus on people and processes instead of projects and products.
  • Do not do things for people they can do for themselves.
  • Discern the needs in the community and the assets needed to support those needs.
  • Our relationship to the materially poor should be one in which we recognize that both of us are broken and that both of us need the blessing of reconciliation.
  • Our perspective should be less about how we are going to fix the materially poor and more about how we can walk together, asking God to walk in both of our lives.
  • Move our missions toward a process of doing with not doing to.

Staff Liasons

Direct – Pastor and/or designee (ex officio)

Local Missions Ministries

Sunday Brunch

Sunday Brunch is open to all on Sunday mornings. Our kitchen prepares Grab-n-Go meals, as well as provides an inviting space in our Fellowship Hall to sit and eat in fellowship with one another. Brunch is from 8:45-9:45 a.m., doors open at 8:15 a.m.

Little Free Food Pantry

The Free Pantry is a most vital part of making sure that need is met, and winter is a time when it is most needed. If you have non-perishable food items, easy-to-open and ready-to-eat meals, please consider dropping them off for donation.

Clothing Pantry

The Clothing Pantry at Second Pres is a resource for those in our community who may be underprepared with their clothing. Whether it is preparing someone for a job interview, making sure they stay warm in the winter, or give a family new to the community a fresh start, our Clothing Pantry is a vital resource. The Clothing Pantry is open Fridays from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. by appointment only. 

Community Meditation Garden

The Community Meditation Garden is for all in the community to enjoy as a place to come explore, sit and meditate, relax and rejuvenate. While there, be sure to look for the native plants, growing food, and other amenities such as the soon to be installed pergola.

Local Missions Partners

Home Sweet Home Ministries demonstrates Christ's love through innovative approaches that instill hope, restore lives, and build community. Our vision is to be a ministry of refuge and renewal powered by Jesus Christ.
The Bloomington Corps of The Salvation Army is located on Washington Street in Bloomington.  On our campus, there is our homeless shelter, Safe Harbor, our community center and the chapel.
Western Avenue’s Youth Programs work to empower individuals. We want to give children opportunities to explore their community and create trusting and supportive relationships with our staff and peers. We offer a safe space for our community’s children to learn and have fun.

Local Missions Affiliates

Art Circle

Art Circle of Bloomington-Normal, Illinois is a creative community gathering in Faith, Hope and Love inspiring Beauty, Truth and Goodness through individual expression and appreciation of the Arts.  

Abundant Life

We are a church in the heart of downtown Bloomington that ministers to people in the margins on a daily basis by meeting both physical and spiritual needs. We want to see people delivered through the power of the Holy Spirit and have permanent life change and victory over addictions, life trials and darkness. We welcome the homeless, the prisoner and the substance abuser – all who are outcast. We bring them into our family, the body of Christ, providing an opportunity to serve, be discipled, and grow in their faith.


Scouting teaches youth to confront any challenge with whole hearts and clear minds—to live their lives without regret, never back down, and do their very best!


We believe people discover their true purpose and identity by knowing God through His Word. That is why BSF offers free, in-depth Bible studies in community for people of all ages around the world.


Friendsfirst meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 am-12:30 pm at Second Presbyterian Church in downtown Bloomington. The program is open to adults with disabilities who can care for their own needs while at the program.

Furniture for Families

RFF collaborates with and has working agreements with over 30 local social service agencies and churches who are working with families in need throughout McLean County.

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home. We believe affordable housing plays a critical role in strong and stable communities.

INtegRIty Counseling

INtegRIty Counseling is a community-based, non-profit counseling agency located in the heart of Bloomington's west side. We do not have a set fee for counseling, but instead, use a "pay as you can" method and ask clients to contribute what they are able to afford for counseling. 

Living Well United

Living Well United provides an inviting, supportive atmosphere in a facility where seniors gather to build strong relationships and keep their minds and bodies in the best shape possible to age successfully and give back to the rural communities in which they live.  

Project Oz

Since 1973 we have been helping youth and families. We reunite families, help kids stay in school, teach young people useful skills, and teach students how to keep their lives drug free. We provide counseling, education and career planning, student support services, safety planning, and healthy living strategies to students and families in Unit 5 and District 87.  In both McLean and Livingston counties, we provide aid, shelter, and safety for runaway and homeless youth.   We reach 8,000 youth every year.

The Baby Fold

The Baby Fold has been successfully wrapping services around children and families since 1902. Offering life-critical support such as adoption support, foster care, special education, and early childhood programming, The Baby Fold is a unique resource with a strong and enduring heritage. We care for our youngest citizens so they can be blessed with loving homes, stable lives, and the futures they deserve.


We're committed to strengthening our communities and improving the health and well-being of everyone we serve. With programs that focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the YMCA is the place where you can learn, grow and thrive.

The Forgotten Initiative

There is only so much you can do on your own. Maybe you’re a foster parent or serving the foster care community in some other way, but you want to do more. You know the need is overwhelming, and you want to engage other people. We are ready to equip you to be a voice for the foster care community so that you can mobilize others to serve.

Boys & Girls Club

The Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal is a youth empowerment organization that provides both summer and after-school programming and activities to those who need us most. The programs are rooted in our pillars of Academic Success, Healthy Lifestyles and Good Character and Citizenship to serve the emotional, cultural, and social needs of youth ages 5-18. The Club plays a vital role in the lives of our children by providing a safe environment where they can learn, play, and grow.
Second Pres is dedicated to sharing the heart of Christ with the heart of the Community.

Jan Harrell
Elder, Local Missions

Let's work together.

If you feel called to join Second Pres in helping to support any of these local missions, please contact us and we will reach out to you with information and ways you can help support.